My new role is pushing all of my buttons, and isolating me. It IS a good move though. How do I work through this?

Background: Worked in a high pressure, high $$$ value sales environment. Peaked in the sales environment and sought professional growth and a new challenge.

I've been moved to a different department in my workplace as part of my career development, and to help plug a hole for our organisation that's been causing pretty huge problems.

I'm happy for the move and I needed the move. This is a good career move for me.

But... I'm really struggling with the interpersonal challenges of the new role.

I've gone from being part of a large sales team, to being the person who decides whether what the sales team does is ethical and compliant. I've become a (necessary) roadblock to my colleagues sales and it's hurting.

My preferred method of working with colleagues is through consensus - I don't like to make decisions on my own, and hate saying no to people. This new role doesn't allow for consensus because it creates ethical conflicts and essentially undermines the purpose of the role in the first place.

I'd really appreciate any advice on:

a) How to be more decisive when I'm a typical indecisive people pleaser. This role is REALLY pushing me out of my comfort zone on that front.

b) How to deal with being isolated by the role. I cannot lean on any of my established work relationships for support as I'm now opposing their decision making.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/ThreeQueensReading
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from Career Advice
My new role is pushing all of my buttons, and isolating me. It IS a good move though. How do I work through this? My new role is pushing all of my buttons, and isolating me. It IS a good move though. How do I work through this? Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on मई 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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