how do you avoid burnout when your work is under-funded and emotionally draining?

It’s the Thursday “ask the readers” question. A reader writes:

I’m in my tenth year of working in an elementary school, not as a classroom teacher but in a role that is still certified and student/teacher/parent-facing. My school and district serve a suburban community of mixed income…we have some very white collar, professional families, as well as blue collar, working-class, and then down into pure poverty. Our school and the neighboring schools are bursting at the seams with enrollment, and as such, the resources we are able to provide our students, ranging from gifted education, academic interventions, mental health, and special education are stretched very thin.

My question pertains to how to avoid burnout amid working conditions that are beyond our control. We desperately need more funding for personnel in our school to provide our students with the instruction they need, but with the way school funding is tied to local tax base, state, and federal funding, etc., everyone’s hands are pretty tied, even up the chain of command. My administrators and I constantly feel down about how we cannot meet all the needs that walk in our door. We do our best to prioritize what resources we have to those who need it most, but to work in a field where we are constantly feeling like we lack the resources we need to do our jobs well is just demoralizing.

I imagine this question may feel timely to people dealing with the shutdown as well — as well as a whole bunch of other professions that are under-funded and emotionally draining. Readers, what’s your advice?

how do you avoid burnout when your work is under-funded and emotionally draining? was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.

from Ask a Manager
how do you avoid burnout when your work is under-funded and emotionally draining? how do you avoid burnout when your work is under-funded and emotionally draining? Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on जनवरी 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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