Here’s some coverage of Ask a Manager in the media recently:
I’m in Parade Magazine talking about the best way to ask for a raise.
I’m in the Oprah Magazine talking about what to do if you hate your boss.
I did a Q&A with the New York Times about crying at work.
I talked to the New York Times about what to do if you think you might get fired.
I talked to NBC News about how to avoid discussing politics at work.
I talked to Marketplace about responding to your boss’s feedback.
I talked to Savage Love about a rather adult work question (warning: not safe for work).
I was on Han and Matt Know It All to talk about the best and worst advice column letters of 2019 (along with Captain Awkward).
Topic made an illustrated treasury of their favorite Ask a Manager letters (also not safe for work).
Ask a Manager in the media was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.
from Ask a Manager