भारत में बन रही कोविड वैक्सीन पर टिकी बांग्लादेश की उम्मीद, एसआईआई में निवेश

भारत में अभी कोविड-19 की वैक्सीन बनी भी नहीं है, लेकिन इस वैक्सीन को लेकर हो रहे प्रयोगों पर पड़ोसी देशों की उम्मीदें टिकी हैं। from Lates...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
भारत में बन रही कोविड वैक्सीन पर टिकी बांग्लादेश की उम्मीद, एसआईआई में निवेश भारत में बन रही कोविड वैक्सीन पर टिकी बांग्लादेश की उम्मीद, एसआईआई में निवेश Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5

मणिपुर में महसूस किए गए भूकंप के झटके, रिक्टर पैमाने पर रही 5.1 तीव्रता

मणिपुर में सोमवार देर रात करीब 2.39 बजे भूकंप के झटके महसूस किए गए। नेशनल सेंटर फॉर सीस्मोलॉजी के अनुसार भूकंप की तीव्रता रिक्टर पैमाने पर 5...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
मणिपुर में महसूस किए गए भूकंप के झटके, रिक्टर पैमाने पर रही 5.1 तीव्रता मणिपुर में महसूस किए गए भूकंप के झटके, रिक्टर पैमाने पर रही 5.1 तीव्रता Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5

एनडीपीएस मामलों में शिकायतकर्ता व जांच अधिकारी का एक होना आरोपी के बरी होने का आधार नहीं : सुप्रीम कोर्ट

सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सोमवार को एक अहम फैसले में कहा कि एनडीपीएस मामलों अगर जांच अधिकारी ही शिकायतकर्ता है तो यह किसी अभियुक्त को बरी करने का एकम...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
एनडीपीएस मामलों में शिकायतकर्ता व जांच अधिकारी का एक होना आरोपी के बरी होने का आधार नहीं : सुप्रीम कोर्ट एनडीपीएस मामलों में शिकायतकर्ता व जांच अधिकारी का एक होना आरोपी के बरी होने का आधार नहीं : सुप्रीम कोर्ट Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5

आखिरी तिमाही में विकास दर सुधरने की उम्मीद, निवेश और खपत बढ़ाने पर जोर

वित्तवर्ष 2020-2021 की पहली तिमाही में भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था की विकास दर शून्य से 24 फीसदी तक नीचे जाने पर आर्थिक विशेषज्ञों ने चिंता जताई है।...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
आखिरी तिमाही में विकास दर सुधरने की उम्मीद, निवेश और खपत बढ़ाने पर जोर आखिरी तिमाही में विकास दर सुधरने की उम्मीद, निवेश और खपत बढ़ाने पर जोर Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5

सतर्कता और कड़ी सुरक्षा के बीच आज से जेईई मेन परीक्षा, विद्यार्थी इन बातों का रखें विशेष ध्यान

तमाम आशंका, व्यापक विरोध और कोरोना संक्रमण के बढ़ते मामलों के बीच जेईई मेन परीक्षा मंगलवार से शुरू हो रही है। राजधानी में भी 1 से 6 सितंबर त...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
सतर्कता और कड़ी सुरक्षा के बीच आज से जेईई मेन परीक्षा, विद्यार्थी इन बातों का रखें विशेष ध्यान सतर्कता और कड़ी सुरक्षा के बीच आज से जेईई मेन परीक्षा, विद्यार्थी इन बातों का रखें विशेष ध्यान Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5

मोरेटोरियम लेने वाली 75 फीसदी कंपनियां पहले से ही संकट में, गैर-वित्तीय क्षेत्र की 2,300 कंपनियों पर किया सर्वे

आरबीआई की ओर से कर्जदारों को राहत के लिए 31 अगस्त तक दी गई मोरेटोरियम सुविधा का लाभ उठाने वाली 75 फीसदी कंपनियों की वित्तीय हालत महामारी से ...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
मोरेटोरियम लेने वाली 75 फीसदी कंपनियां पहले से ही संकट में, गैर-वित्तीय क्षेत्र की 2,300 कंपनियों पर किया सर्वे मोरेटोरियम लेने वाली 75 फीसदी कंपनियां पहले से ही संकट में, गैर-वित्तीय क्षेत्र की 2,300 कंपनियों पर किया सर्वे Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5

ब्रिटेन-कनाडा में सड़कों पर उतरे लोग, बलूचिस्तान में पाकिस्तान के अत्याचार के खिलाफ किया प्रदर्शन

जबरन गायब कराए गए पीड़ितों (विक्टिम्स ऑफ इनफोर्स्ड डिस्पीयरेंस) के अंतरराष्ट्रीय दिवस पर पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ दुनिया भर में प्रदर्शन हुए। fr...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
ब्रिटेन-कनाडा में सड़कों पर उतरे लोग, बलूचिस्तान में पाकिस्तान के अत्याचार के खिलाफ किया प्रदर्शन ब्रिटेन-कनाडा में सड़कों पर उतरे लोग, बलूचिस्तान में पाकिस्तान के अत्याचार के खिलाफ किया प्रदर्शन Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5

शर्मनाक! नौकरानी ने तीन साल के मासूम को लात-घूंसों से पीटा, सीसीटीवी कैमरे में कैद हुई बर्बरता

कानपुर में कल्याणपुर स्थित रतन आर्बिट अपार्टमेंट के एक फ्लैट में काम करने वाली नौकरानी ने मासूम बच्चे की बेरहमी से पिटाई कर दी। दंपति अपने छ...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
शर्मनाक! नौकरानी ने तीन साल के मासूम को लात-घूंसों से पीटा, सीसीटीवी कैमरे में कैद हुई बर्बरता शर्मनाक! नौकरानी ने तीन साल के मासूम को लात-घूंसों से पीटा, सीसीटीवी कैमरे में कैद हुई बर्बरता Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5

सुप्रीम कोर्ट प्रायोगिक आधार पर शुरू करेगा अदालत में सुनवाई, दिशा-निर्देश जारी

सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने मामलों की फिजिकल सुनवाई के लिए मानक संचालन प्रक्रिया (एसओपी) जारी की है। वकीलों की विभिन्न संस्थाओं के अनुरोध पर इसे प्रायो...
- अगस्त 31, 2020
सुप्रीम कोर्ट प्रायोगिक आधार पर शुरू करेगा अदालत में सुनवाई, दिशा-निर्देश जारी सुप्रीम कोर्ट प्रायोगिक आधार पर शुरू करेगा अदालत में सुनवाई, दिशा-निर्देश जारी Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Trump defends supporters accused in deadly clashes Trump defends supporters accused in deadly clashes Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Hundreds of migrants still dying in Med five years since 2015 Hundreds of migrants still dying in Med five years since 2015 Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Still ill with coronavirus six months later: 'I have no idea how to get better' Still ill with coronavirus six months later: 'I have no idea how to get better' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft Rival powers jockey for the lead in hypersonic aircraft Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Prashant Bhushan: India finds an unlikely hero in lawyer-activist Prashant Bhushan: India finds an unlikely hero in lawyer-activist Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Rohingya crisis: Growing up in the world's largest refugee camp Rohingya crisis: Growing up in the world's largest refugee camp Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Why this black drive-in cinema is a big hit Why this black drive-in cinema is a big hit Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Trump defends supporters accused in deadly clashes Trump defends supporters accused in deadly clashes Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Zoom revenues skyrocket as profits double Zoom revenues skyrocket as profits double Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Child Trust Funds: Teenagers get first chance to access cash Child Trust Funds: Teenagers get first chance to access cash Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
The 1980s 'super recession': When unemployment topped 3m - and kept rising The 1980s 'super recession': When unemployment topped 3m - and kept rising Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Rohingya crisis: Growing up in the world's largest refugee camp Rohingya crisis: Growing up in the world's largest refugee camp Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Meet Senegal's first female professional surfer Meet Senegal's first female professional surfer Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Why this black drive-in cinema is a big hit Why this black drive-in cinema is a big hit Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 31, 2020 Rating: 5
Eat Out to Help Out discount comes to an end Eat Out to Help Out discount comes to an end Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Price of plastic carrier bags to double to 10p next year Price of plastic carrier bags to double to 10p next year Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Government paid influencers to promote Test and Trace Government paid influencers to promote Test and Trace Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Mauritius oil spill: 'We want to protect our island' Mauritius oil spill: 'We want to protect our island' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Realme X3 review, features and price: Will it fit your needs and lifestyle? Realme X3 review, features and price: Will it fit your needs and lifestyle? Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Critical Covid-19 cases: Delhi, Mumbai patients seem more critically ill than in other parts of India Critical Covid-19 cases: Delhi, Mumbai patients seem more critically ill than in other parts of India Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Why Govt must spend to drive up demand Why Govt must spend to drive up demand Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations Fact check: Biden tax plan would raise rates for those who make more than $400K, corporations Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
In Colorado town, the post office delivers much more than the mail In Colorado town, the post office delivers much more than the mail Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Mom rips gun and shoe from man accused of kidnapping her 1-year-old, Georgia cops say Mom rips gun and shoe from man accused of kidnapping her 1-year-old, Georgia cops say Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Trump retweeted a message from the far-right OAN network calling anti-racism protests an attempted 'coup' Trump retweeted a message from the far-right OAN network calling anti-racism protests an attempted 'coup' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have a lot to do with Joe Kennedy's primary struggles Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have a lot to do with Joe Kennedy's primary struggles Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Dramatic last-second launch abort grounds spy satellite Dramatic last-second launch abort grounds spy satellite Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Sex workers blame Bella Thorne for changes at OnlyFans that harm their income Sex workers blame Bella Thorne for changes at OnlyFans that harm their income Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Hong Kong's pro-democracy camp is resisting the city's universal coronavirus testing plan Hong Kong's pro-democracy camp is resisting the city's universal coronavirus testing plan Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5

प्रशांत भूषण के खिलाफ अवमानना मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट में फैसला आज

वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ता प्रशांत भूषण के खिलाफ अवमानना मामले सुप्रीम कोर्ट 31 अगस्त यानी सोमवार को अपना फैसला सुनाएगा। from Latest And Breaking Hin...
- अगस्त 30, 2020
प्रशांत भूषण के खिलाफ अवमानना मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट में फैसला आज प्रशांत भूषण के खिलाफ अवमानना मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट में फैसला आज Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5

झारखंड सरकार ने भाजपा सांसद साक्षी महाराज को होम क्वारंटीन करने के 24 घंटे में ही कर दिया रिहा 

झारखंड सरकार ने भाजपा सांसद साक्षी महाराज को होम क्वारंटीन करने के 24 घंटे के भीतर ही रविवार को रिहा कर दिया। from Latest And Breaking Hin...
- अगस्त 30, 2020
झारखंड सरकार ने भाजपा सांसद साक्षी महाराज को होम क्वारंटीन करने के 24 घंटे में ही कर दिया रिहा  झारखंड सरकार ने भाजपा सांसद साक्षी महाराज को होम क्वारंटीन करने के 24 घंटे में ही कर दिया रिहा  Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Mauritius oil spill: 'We want to protect our island' Mauritius oil spill: 'We want to protect our island' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Europe's migrant crisis: The year that changed a continent Europe's migrant crisis: The year that changed a continent Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
The search engine boss who wants to help us all plant trees The search engine boss who wants to help us all plant trees Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Letter from Africa: Why Kenyans are no longer cheering their constitution Letter from Africa: Why Kenyans are no longer cheering their constitution Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Belarus protest: Dozens arrested at mass rally Belarus protest: Dozens arrested at mass rally Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
The Papers: Tax rises 'backlash', and schools' budget 'crisis' The Papers: Tax rises 'backlash', and schools' budget 'crisis' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Iranian man sentenced to nine years in prison for beheading daughter while she slept in 'honour killing' Iranian man sentenced to nine years in prison for beheading daughter while she slept in 'honour killing' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Arrest made after firefighter’s wallet stolen as he battled wildfires, CA officials say Arrest made after firefighter’s wallet stolen as he battled wildfires, CA officials say Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Report: New York tenants were not aware they would be featured at the Republican National Convention Report: New York tenants were not aware they would be featured at the Republican National Convention Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Biden buys ‘Keep America Great’ domain name and dedicates it to criticising Trump Biden buys ‘Keep America Great’ domain name and dedicates it to criticising Trump Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Byron Allen’s $10 billion racial discrimination lawsuit against Charter Communications allowed to proceed Byron Allen’s $10 billion racial discrimination lawsuit against Charter Communications allowed to proceed Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
17-year-old suspect in Jacob Blake protest shooting charged with 2 counts of homicide 17-year-old suspect in Jacob Blake protest shooting charged with 2 counts of homicide Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5

नई दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन से 43 करोड़ के सोने के साथ आठ लोग गिरफ्तार

राजस्व खुफिया निदेशालय (डीआरआई) ने नई दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन पर कार्रवाई करते हुए म्यांमार से तस्करी कर लाए गए 43 करोड़ रुपये के 83.6 किलो सोने...
- अगस्त 29, 2020
नई दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन से 43 करोड़ के सोने के साथ आठ लोग गिरफ्तार नई दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन से 43 करोड़ के सोने के साथ आठ लोग गिरफ्तार Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5

पुलवामा आतंकी हमले के बाद 45 कश्मीरी युवक जैश में शामिल

आतंकी संगठनों की फंडिंग पर नजर रखने वाली वैश्विक संस्था वित्तीय कार्रवाई कार्यबल (एफएटीएफ) की लटकती तलवार और घाटी में सुरक्षा बलों की जबरदस्...
- अगस्त 29, 2020
पुलवामा आतंकी हमले के बाद 45 कश्मीरी युवक जैश में शामिल पुलवामा आतंकी हमले के बाद 45 कश्मीरी युवक जैश में शामिल Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Searching for the lost dogs of the Beirut blast Searching for the lost dogs of the Beirut blast Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
'They wanted to drown me at birth - now I'm a poet' 'They wanted to drown me at birth - now I'm a poet' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Begum Rokeya: The forgotten 19th Century feminist Begum Rokeya: The forgotten 19th Century feminist Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Algeria's lessons from The Plague in the age of coronavirus Algeria's lessons from The Plague in the age of coronavirus Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Migrant rescue: Dozens evacuated from overloaded Banksy ship Migrant rescue: Dozens evacuated from overloaded Banksy ship Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
ICYMI: Aquarium art and crop portraits ICYMI: Aquarium art and crop portraits Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Covid warning as a million students set for uni return Covid warning as a million students set for uni return Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Coronavirus: How lockdown 'robbed' us of grieving for mum Coronavirus: How lockdown 'robbed' us of grieving for mum Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Flooding in Hereford: Residents still in temporary homes Flooding in Hereford: Residents still in temporary homes Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Begum Rokeya: The forgotten 19th Century feminist Begum Rokeya: The forgotten 19th Century feminist Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
One in four BHS stores remain vacant four years after collapse One in four BHS stores remain vacant four years after collapse Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
The diary of my daughter's murder: 'We were in hell on earth' The diary of my daughter's murder: 'We were in hell on earth' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Coronavirus doctor's diary: The fake news about schools that's misleading parents Coronavirus doctor's diary: The fake news about schools that's misleading parents Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
'They wanted to drown me at birth - now I'm a poet' 'They wanted to drown me at birth - now I'm a poet' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Algeria's lessons from The Plague in the age of coronavirus Algeria's lessons from The Plague in the age of coronavirus Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 29, 2020 Rating: 5
‘China is Rooting for Joe Biden’: Tom Cotton Accuses the Vice President of Aiding China’s Rise Throughout His Nearly 50-Year Career ‘China is Rooting for Joe Biden’: Tom Cotton Accuses the Vice President of Aiding China’s Rise Throughout His Nearly 50-Year Career Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
California is about to send out $300 weekly unemployment bonus payments — and it'll include payments going back to August 1 California is about to send out $300 weekly unemployment bonus payments — and it'll include payments going back to August 1 Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Right-Wing Goons Hype Kenosha Vigilantes. Locals Tell Them to Get Lost. Right-Wing Goons Hype Kenosha Vigilantes. Locals Tell Them to Get Lost. Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
A teacher came up with a $13 fix that allows her to speak clearly through her mask to students all day A teacher came up with a $13 fix that allows her to speak clearly through her mask to students all day Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Detained Colombia businessman was negotiating with Iran for Venezuela, lawyers say Detained Colombia businessman was negotiating with Iran for Venezuela, lawyers say Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
US election 2020: Donald Trump's convention speech fact-checked US election 2020: Donald Trump's convention speech fact-checked Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Israel strikes Gaza after Palestinian militants fire rockets Israel strikes Gaza after Palestinian militants fire rockets Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
26 children — one as young as 3 — rescued in Georgia sex trafficking sting, feds say 26 children — one as young as 3 — rescued in Georgia sex trafficking sting, feds say Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Invisible workers: Prison fire crews save lives while incarcerated then left to fend for themselves once released Invisible workers: Prison fire crews save lives while incarcerated then left to fend for themselves once released Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5

स्वीडन के माल्मो में भड़का दंगा, 300 लोग कर रहे थे प्रदर्शन

दक्षिणी स्वीडिश शहर माल्मो में शुक्रवार को दंगा भड़क गया। पुलिस के अनुसार माल्मो में कुछ लोग इस्लाम विरोधी गतिविधि कर रहे थे from Latest A...
- अगस्त 28, 2020
स्वीडन के माल्मो में भड़का दंगा, 300 लोग कर रहे थे प्रदर्शन स्वीडन के माल्मो में भड़का दंगा, 300 लोग कर रहे थे प्रदर्शन Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5

भारत को 2021 की शुरुआत तक मिल सकती है कोरोना वैक्सीन, जानें कितनी होगी एक डोज की कीमत  

भारतीय बाजारों में कोरोना की वैक्सीन साल 2021 के पहले तिमाही में उपलब्ध हो सकती है। from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines, News In...
- अगस्त 28, 2020
भारत को 2021 की शुरुआत तक मिल सकती है कोरोना वैक्सीन, जानें कितनी होगी एक डोज की कीमत   भारत को 2021 की शुरुआत तक मिल सकती है कोरोना वैक्सीन, जानें कितनी होगी एक डोज की कीमत   Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5

महानदी में बाढ़ का खतरा बढ़ा, ओडिशा में बारिश से अब तक नौ ने गंवाई जान

ओडिशा में भारी बारिश से जनजीवन बेहाल है। महानदी में बाढ़ का खतरा लगातार बढ़ता जा रहा है। शुक्रवार को दो लोगों की मौत के बाद अब तक बारिश के क...
- अगस्त 28, 2020
महानदी में बाढ़ का खतरा बढ़ा, ओडिशा में बारिश से अब तक नौ ने गंवाई जान महानदी में बाढ़ का खतरा बढ़ा, ओडिशा में बारिश से अब तक नौ ने गंवाई जान Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Jejoen Bontinck: I escaped a life of Islamic terror - now I rap about it Jejoen Bontinck: I escaped a life of Islamic terror - now I rap about it Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Medal for hero dog Kuno who saved soldiers' lives in Afghanistan Medal for hero dog Kuno who saved soldiers' lives in Afghanistan Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Coronavirus unemployment: 'I felt worthless' Coronavirus unemployment: 'I felt worthless' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
A clever way to provide life-saving oxygen A clever way to provide life-saving oxygen Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Why parcel delivery courier company DPD is in court Why parcel delivery courier company DPD is in court Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Week in pictures: 22-28 August 2020 Week in pictures: 22-28 August 2020 Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Jejoen Bontinck: I escaped a life of Islamic terror - now I rap about it Jejoen Bontinck: I escaped a life of Islamic terror - now I rap about it Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Coronavirus: Bus journeys will be first challenge of new school year Coronavirus: Bus journeys will be first challenge of new school year Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Amazon fires: Are they worse this year than before? Amazon fires: Are they worse this year than before? Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Five things to focus on in your CV Five things to focus on in your CV Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
Fox News Breaking News Alert Fox News Breaking News Alert Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 28, 2020 Rating: 5
CDC's abrupt change to COVID-19 testing guidelines was evidently forced through while Dr. Fauci was unconscious in surgery CDC's abrupt change to COVID-19 testing guidelines was evidently forced through while Dr. Fauci was unconscious in surgery Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Fact check: 'Sharia patrol force' won't roam Minneapolis if police force is dismantled Fact check: 'Sharia patrol force' won't roam Minneapolis if police force is dismantled Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
6 highlights from the RNC, Night 2: Melania, the Trump family, did anyone say COVID? 6 highlights from the RNC, Night 2: Melania, the Trump family, did anyone say COVID? Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
The not-so-hidden racism behind mispronouncing Kamala Harris’s name The not-so-hidden racism behind mispronouncing Kamala Harris’s name Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
CDC: Maine overnight camps hosted over 1,000 kids and counselors, and only 3 contracted the coronavirus. Here is the safety plan they followed. CDC: Maine overnight camps hosted over 1,000 kids and counselors, and only 3 contracted the coronavirus. Here is the safety plan they followed. Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
‘Unsurvivable’: Coastal residents urged to flee ahead of Hurricane Laura ‘Unsurvivable’: Coastal residents urged to flee ahead of Hurricane Laura Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5

Petrol Diesel Price: पेट्रोल की कीमत में 9 से 11 पैसे की बढ़ोतरी, जानें आज कितनी है कीमत

सरकारी तेल कंपनियों की ओर से आज डीजल की कीमत में कोई बढ़ोतरी नहीं की गई है। हालांकि पेट्रोल की कीमत में 09 से 11 पैसे तक की बढ़ोतरी कर दी गई...
- अगस्त 27, 2020
Petrol Diesel Price: पेट्रोल की कीमत में 9 से 11 पैसे की बढ़ोतरी, जानें आज कितनी है कीमत Petrol Diesel Price: पेट्रोल की कीमत में 9 से 11 पैसे की बढ़ोतरी, जानें आज कितनी है कीमत Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Fox News Breaking News Alert Fox News Breaking News Alert Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Fox News Breaking News Alert Fox News Breaking News Alert Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Trump news: Pence slams Kenosha protests in RNC speech as photo emerges of Kenosha shooting suspect at Trump rally Trump news: Pence slams Kenosha protests in RNC speech as photo emerges of Kenosha shooting suspect at Trump rally Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
‘Like An Alien Ship Came Down’: Residents Confront Hurricane Laura’s Wrath ‘Like An Alien Ship Came Down’: Residents Confront Hurricane Laura’s Wrath Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
A 'Kenosha Guard' Facebook event called on people to 'take up arms' against protesters. Facebook removed it after two people were shot dead. A 'Kenosha Guard' Facebook event called on people to 'take up arms' against protesters. Facebook removed it after two people were shot dead. Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Putin says alleged mercenaries were lured to Belarus by foreign spy operation Putin says alleged mercenaries were lured to Belarus by foreign spy operation Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5

खुलासाः आईएस ने रची थी भारत में 100 से ज्यादा जगहों पर आतंकी हमले की साजिश 

आतंकी संगठन इस्लामिक स्टेट (आईएस) द्वारा भारत में आतंकी हमले के इनपुट्स अभी भी बने हुए हैं। from Latest And Breaking Hindi News Headlines,...
- अगस्त 27, 2020
खुलासाः आईएस ने रची थी भारत में 100 से ज्यादा जगहों पर आतंकी हमले की साजिश  खुलासाः आईएस ने रची थी भारत में 100 से ज्यादा जगहों पर आतंकी हमले की साजिश  Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5

कैसा था दिशा सालियान और सुशांत सिंह राजपूत का रिश्ता? जानिए रिया चक्रवर्ती का जवाब

रिया चक्रवर्ती ने हाल ही में दिए इंटरव्यू के दौरान इस बात का भी खुलासा किया है दिशा सालियान और सुशांत सिंह राजपूत के बीच क्या रिश्ता था? f...
- अगस्त 27, 2020
कैसा था दिशा सालियान और सुशांत सिंह राजपूत का रिश्ता? जानिए रिया चक्रवर्ती का जवाब कैसा था दिशा सालियान और सुशांत सिंह राजपूत का रिश्ता? जानिए रिया चक्रवर्ती का जवाब Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Delhi 2020 religious riots: Amnesty International accuses police of rights abuses Delhi 2020 religious riots: Amnesty International accuses police of rights abuses Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Black Lives Matter pushes Japan to confront racism Black Lives Matter pushes Japan to confront racism Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Seaweed: The food and fuel of the future? Seaweed: The food and fuel of the future? Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Colombia ex-leader Uribe's detention splits generations Colombia ex-leader Uribe's detention splits generations Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Sushant Singh Rajput: Rhea Chakraborty on 'media trial' after Bollywood star's death Sushant Singh Rajput: Rhea Chakraborty on 'media trial' after Bollywood star's death Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
March on Washington: Protesters reflect on the significance of the march this year March on Washington: Protesters reflect on the significance of the march this year Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
MLK, Malcolm X and Kwame Nkrumah’s daughters discuss racial justice MLK, Malcolm X and Kwame Nkrumah’s daughters discuss racial justice Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
The Papers: 'Secret' care deaths and UK ushered back to office The Papers: 'Secret' care deaths and UK ushered back to office Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 27, 2020 Rating: 5
Scotland's 'Union dividend' rises to almost £2,000 per person in 'hammer blow' to Nicola Sturgeon Scotland's 'Union dividend' rises to almost £2,000 per person in 'hammer blow' to Nicola Sturgeon Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
US Service Members Injured in Skirmish with Russian Troops in Syria US Service Members Injured in Skirmish with Russian Troops in Syria Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
'We appreciate you guys': Wisconsin police in armored vehicles thanked armed militia and gave them water bottles 'We appreciate you guys': Wisconsin police in armored vehicles thanked armed militia and gave them water bottles Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Court: School transgender bathroom policy unconstitutional Court: School transgender bathroom policy unconstitutional Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
North Korean leader Kim calls for prevention efforts against coronavirus, looming typhoon: KCNA North Korean leader Kim calls for prevention efforts against coronavirus, looming typhoon: KCNA Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Disneyland 'ready' to reopen when California allows, parks chief says Disneyland 'ready' to reopen when California allows, parks chief says Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Only Native American on federal death row executed Only Native American on federal death row executed Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Republican National Convention: Charlotte public health officials ‘concerned’ by lack of people wearing masks Republican National Convention: Charlotte public health officials ‘concerned’ by lack of people wearing masks Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
The Sturgis motorcycle rally that experts warned would be a coronavirus superspreader event has been linked to 100 new cases in 8 states The Sturgis motorcycle rally that experts warned would be a coronavirus superspreader event has been linked to 100 new cases in 8 states Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5

हंगामेदार हो सकती है जीएसटी परिषद की बैठक, राजस्व कमी और क्षतिपूर्ति पर होगी चर्चा

सूत्रों के अनुसार, जीएसटी परिषद की 41वीं बैठक वीडियो कांफ्रेन्सिंग के जरिए होगी। बैठक का एकमात्र एजेंडा राज्यों के राजस्व में कमी की भरपाई ह...
- अगस्त 26, 2020
हंगामेदार हो सकती है जीएसटी परिषद की बैठक, राजस्व कमी और क्षतिपूर्ति पर होगी चर्चा हंगामेदार हो सकती है जीएसटी परिषद की बैठक, राजस्व कमी और क्षतिपूर्ति पर होगी चर्चा Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5

राज्यों को जीएसटी मुआवजा नहीं देना जनता के साथ विश्वासघात जैसा: सोनिया

कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी ने कहा, केंद्र सरकार का राज्यों को जीएसटी मुआवजा देने से इनकार करना देश के लोगों के साथ विश्वासघात करने जैसा ह...
- अगस्त 26, 2020
राज्यों को जीएसटी मुआवजा नहीं देना जनता के साथ विश्वासघात जैसा: सोनिया राज्यों को जीएसटी मुआवजा नहीं देना जनता के साथ विश्वासघात जैसा: सोनिया Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5

महाराष्ट्र : एक दिन में 14888 नए मरीज, 295 संक्रमितों की मौत

महाराष्ट्र में बुधवार को कोरोना संक्रमितों की रिकॉर्ड संख्या दर्ज की गई। एक दिन में 14,888 नए संक्रमित सामने आए। from Latest And Breaking ...
- अगस्त 26, 2020
महाराष्ट्र : एक दिन में 14888 नए मरीज, 295 संक्रमितों की मौत महाराष्ट्र : एक दिन में 14888 नए मरीज, 295 संक्रमितों की मौत Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Caged Congolese man: Why a zoo took 114 years to apologise Caged Congolese man: Why a zoo took 114 years to apologise Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
India NEET, JEE exams: 'Conducting these exams will be a giant mistake' India NEET, JEE exams: 'Conducting these exams will be a giant mistake' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Why Navalny’s team sees Kremlin's hands in attack Why Navalny’s team sees Kremlin's hands in attack Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Blueberry farmers warn of 'disaster' crop Blueberry farmers warn of 'disaster' crop Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Eusebio Leal: The man who saved Old Havana from decay Eusebio Leal: The man who saved Old Havana from decay Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Adult industry workers surviving the pandemic Adult industry workers surviving the pandemic Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Rowley Shoals: The bleached Australian reef and a Covid challenge Rowley Shoals: The bleached Australian reef and a Covid challenge Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Rising Phoenix: Paralympics documentary 'will make you angry and upset' Rising Phoenix: Paralympics documentary 'will make you angry and upset' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Coronavirus: Pent-up demand 'leading to quicker home sales' Coronavirus: Pent-up demand 'leading to quicker home sales' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
The Papers: 'Paid to quarantine' and ghost town UK 'needs saving' The Papers: 'Paid to quarantine' and ghost town UK 'needs saving' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Fox News Breaking News Alert Fox News Breaking News Alert Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 26, 2020 Rating: 5
Taliban attacks Afghan base as Pakistan pushes for talks Taliban attacks Afghan base as Pakistan pushes for talks Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Bahamas Paradise settles, will pay crew $875,000 for months of work without wages Bahamas Paradise settles, will pay crew $875,000 for months of work without wages Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
UN council rejects US demand to `snap back' Iran sanctions UN council rejects US demand to `snap back' Iran sanctions Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Phoenix to pay $475K to family after officer pointed a gun at them in viral shoplifting case Phoenix to pay $475K to family after officer pointed a gun at them in viral shoplifting case Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
'The forest ... is resetting': California wildfires burned hundreds of ancient redwoods, but much of the forest seems to have survived the blaze 'The forest ... is resetting': California wildfires burned hundreds of ancient redwoods, but much of the forest seems to have survived the blaze Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Hillary Clinton tells Joe Biden not to concede election ‘under any circumstances’ Hillary Clinton tells Joe Biden not to concede election ‘under any circumstances’ Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Russia says armoured vehicle attacked during patrol in Syria: Ifax Russia says armoured vehicle attacked during patrol in Syria: Ifax Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Lovecraft Country Is Packed With Supernatural Symbolism Lovecraft Country Is Packed With Supernatural Symbolism Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Pence helped secure 2nd term with Trump by reportedly remaining 'relentlessly positive' on coronavirus Pence helped secure 2nd term with Trump by reportedly remaining 'relentlessly positive' on coronavirus Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Wife of ex-California congressman sentenced for corruption Wife of ex-California congressman sentenced for corruption Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy: 'I'll submit that I know very little about postage stamps' Postmaster General Louis DeJoy: 'I'll submit that I know very little about postage stamps' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5
6 days after reopening, the University of Alabama has over 500 coronavirus cases. Now the student newspaper is telling the administration: 'We won't be your PR.' 6 days after reopening, the University of Alabama has over 500 coronavirus cases. Now the student newspaper is telling the administration: 'We won't be your PR.' Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on अगस्त 25, 2020 Rating: 5

Starmer dismisses SNP call to axe Trump state visit

The SNP say Donald Trump needs to be a steadfast ally of Ukraine after a fiery exchange with Zelensky on Friday. from BBC News https://ift...

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