China's Hubei province, center of virus outbreak, confirms 25 new deaths

China's Hubei province, center of virus outbreak, confirms 25 new deathsThe death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in China rose to 131 as health authorities at the epicentre of the epidemic reported another 840 confirmed cases, even as Beijing reiterated its confidence in containing the disease. Fears of the spreading virus led airlines to reduce flights to China and global companies to restrict employee travel to the country. The virus emerged late last year in Wuhan, Hubei's capital and a major transportation hub, and much of the province has been under virtual lockdown as China seeks to contain the virus from spreading further.

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China's Hubei province, center of virus outbreak, confirms 25 new deaths China's Hubei province, center of virus outbreak, confirms 25 new deaths Reviewed by TUNI ON LINE CENTER AMBIKAPUR on जनवरी 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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